We strive to keep the need for personal information to a minimum and not store information if it is not necessary. However, third-party "cookies" are used which track and store the traffic on our website. This is used to store personal history of how often our websites are visited, how long visitors are on the page and other information that is statistically useful. This is to provide us with data for statistical purposes about visits to our website and to improve our users' user experience on the website.

If you use the contact form on our website, this is equated with sending a normal e-mail in relation to privacy. The message may be sent to us unencrypted during the process and personal information should therefore not be used in the inquiry for security reasons. The e-mail is stored for as long as there is a need for this in line with current regulations.

We do not disclose or sell personal information to third parties. Exceptions are legal orders. If you are wondering if we have registered personal information on you, you can contact us via the contact form and request access, and possibly request deletion.

About us

This is a website that aims to provide as comprehensive and good information as possible on general questions related to the website's topic.

The Website is operated by Nordic Webinvest Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ.

Inquiries are sent by using the contact form on the page. We make a general reservation about possible errors in the articles.

Guidelines for cookies

General use

We use cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies on our website. Cookies are small data files served by our platform and stored on your device. Our website uses cookies from us or third parties for a variety of purposes, including to operate and customize the website. Cookies can also be used to track how you use the site to target ads to you on other sites.

Third parties

Our website uses the use of the various third party services. Through the use of our website, these services may place anonymous cookies in the visitor's browser and send their own cookies to the visitor's cookie file. Some of these services include, but are not limited to: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Adroll, MailChimp, Sucuri, Intercom and other social networks, advertising agencies, security firewalls, analytics companies, and service providers. These services may also collect and use anonymous identifiers such as IP address, HTTP reference, unique device identifier and other non-personally identifiable information and server logs.

We use Google Adsense to personalize ads for advertising, and Google Analytics to analyze visitors to our websites. In this context, cookies are used, which can be used for both personalized advertising and non-personalized advertising. You can read more about how Google handles this information by following this link.

You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking on the padlock symbol in the bottom right corner of the website and selecting "accept all cookies" or "reject all cookies". You can also deselect cookies in a single category by unchecking the box below.